Thank God for Accountants

Friday, April 11, 2008
April is the cruellest month.
— T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land

It's that time again.  Normally, I like to have all my stuff together as early as possible; certainly by the end of February.  But, you know — then there's reality.  How often do I actually live up to that goal?  *shrug*  Not this year, anyway.  But I did finally manage to get my act together and dig through all my paperwork, assemble all my documents, take them over to the accountant and beg him to take me on as a new client.  Well, fortunately, I really didn't have to plead much — he was very nice!  And I just have to say, as I do every year, I am SO thankful for accountants, and I am SO glad I don't have to do my own taxes.

And, getting a refund is always nice, too. 

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What thou lovest well
is thy true heritage
What thou lovest well
shall not be reft from thee
— Ezra Pound